Friday, January 27, 2023

Weekly Update

I want to begin by sending a reminder about an even being held in the Lower School next week.

Lower School Community Connection Event

Lower School families are invited to attend our latest Community Connection event, a faculty-led workshop about Project-Based Learning. 
This workshop will feature Lower School faculty members Maddy Hargis and Meg Zehmer, both of whom are trained in Project-Based Learning and have been instrumental in the success of this program in our Lower School. We hope you will join us for this informative event. 

Here are some curriculum updates:

Math: We have finished our geometry chapter and I will give the girls an assessment on Tuesday.  Today, we did a fun culmination project where they had to apply their knowledge of the geometric skills. They are doing a great job with this project! Next, we will move quickly through our chapter on area and perimeter.

Writing: The girls really enjoyed interviewing a fellow Fourthie, writing a paragraph about them, and making a magazine cover. They did a great job asking deeper questions and learning more about girls in their grade.


Social Studies: Next week, we will begin our study of regions in the United States. We will learn about unique aspects to each part of our country as well as learn which states are included in each region.

It is hard to believe we are at the end of January! Valentine's Day is right around the corner and we will have a class celebration on Tuesday, February 14. The girls may start working on a mailbox to hold cards from their classmates. They may be as creative with this as they would like and it would be great to have the boxes and Valentine's in by Monday, February 13. They need to make a card for each student and here is a list of our classmates. They may also make a Valentine for friends in other classes that we will deliver.


  • Carpool helper next week: Anna
  • Special Week: Vivian
  • Remember to check SeeSaw for updates from Specials teacher
  • Scavenger hunt question - answer this!
  • Future dates:
    • April 28: Grandparents' Day
    • April 29: Daisy Days

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