Welcome to fourth grade! Your Fourthies have had an awesome first week of school. We have worked on getting to know each other and establishing routines and expectations.
I will update this class blog each week with important reminders and curriculum updates. There are helpful links on the side of the page as well as pages with information along the top. One of the pages explains what it means to be a carpool helper. This is a leadership opportunity offered to all Fourthies. Please complete this form so we know who is able to participate and who cannot. We will start carpool helpers the week of September 12.
I look forward to seeing you at Parents' Night next Thursday night, September 8. This is the schedule for the evening:
- Music (Ivens and Sprenkle) - Basement B02
- Technology (Hamilton-Dixon) - Basement B03
- Spanish (McDermid) - Basement B04
- PE (Brooks, DiGiacomo, Gillbride, Horn, Marshalak, Spears) - Basement Multipurpose Room B01
- Dance (Coleman and Wyatt) - Basement Multipurpose Room B01
- Religion - Basement Multipurpose Room B01
- Art (Both) - Room 200
- Science (Mastin) - Room M05
- Library (Irving)
- Chinese (Dorion) - Loft 1
- Guidance Counselor (Sterling) - Guidance Office
- Resource
- Applewhite - Math Resource Room beside M04 (across from clinic)
- Chalifoux - Resource Room beside M02
- Houston - Resource Room beside Library
- Seabolt - Resource Room beside Applewhite
Fourthies lead the Pledge of Allegiance each morning to the Lower School and raise the flag for the school and these are both leadership opportunities. We rotate through the girls so everyone will have chances to do these jobs.
This week we learned and explored two websites using their individual laptops. One site is called Pixton and they each created an avatar to represent themself. The other site is called Gimkit, which they all loved. It is game based site and we use it to practice math facts, vocabulary, and many other things.
I am excited for this year ahead and love this sweet group of girls already. Here are the 2022-2023 Hiscock Fourthies!
- Parents' Night - Thursday, September 8 - information above
- Homelink for chapter 1 in math - This gives you an overview of what we will study in this chapter
- Scavenger hunt question - answer this!
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