On Monday, we have a special event. At 8:45, we will walk over to St. Christopher's to attend the 4th grade boy's Business Expo. This will be a great way for the boys and girls to interact in an academic environment. The girls do not need to wear field trip attire for this but their regular clothes.
With so few days left in school, the girls are working hard! They have enjoyed a pretend shopping project to practice adding and subtracting decimals. They had a $200 budget to work with and went "shopping" on several different websites. They have really enjoyed this project!
In their assigned groups, the girls are researching one of the five regions of the US and are choosing a way to share their research. We will finish this up next week.
Yesterday in pairs, the girls created videos using Flip.com for next year's Fourthies. The videos are precious so I want to share them with you.
- Carpool helper: Amelia
- Fourthie End of Year Party: Thursday, May 25 from 11:00 - 2:30. Girls will have a special pizza lunch and do not need to bring lunch if they normally do. They may bring a blanket for the movie.
- Final Assembly will take place on Thursday, June 1 from 11:00 - 12:00 for grades 2-4. The girls should wear nice clothes for this occasion. They may wear a dress, skirt, or nice pants. They do not need to wear white for this. There will be a special reception on the Kenny Center Patio for Fourthies and their guests after the program concludes.
- Remember to check SeeSaw for updates from Specials teacher
- Scavenger hunt question - answer this!