For this week's, 3WT, the girls responded to prompt above and had to choose a sound from this website. For their response, they made a video with a partner the site Flipgrid, now known as Flip. Here are their videos:
During our technology time, the girls started something new this week. For three classes, half of the class is talking with Mrs. Sterling about the transition to Middle School, while the other half does a robotics unit with Ms. Hamilton-Dixon. After three classes, they switch to complete the other group. This is a great opportunity for the girls to learn about the Middle School in a small group.
- Carpool helper: Virginia M.
- Remember to check SeeSaw for updates from Specials teacher
- Scavenger hunt question - answer this!
- Future dates:
- April 7: Half day for Good Friday; Dismissal at noon
- April 10: No school for Easter Monday
- April 13: Fourth Grade Field Trip to DC - Details here
- April 28: Grandparents' Day
- April 29: Daisy Days
- May 10: 4th Grade Musical for Parents at 9:30 am