Friday, November 18, 2022

Hi everyone! I know you have had a great ending to the week in my absence. I am recovering well and at home and resting. Thank you for your care and support.

The main thing I want to announce on this post is our first Wordly Wise Dress Up Day, which will happen on Friday, December 2. Please click here for all of the details!

I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving full of fun, relaxation, and memories. 


Friday, November 11, 2022

Weekly Update

For our current Lower School outreach project, the LS is collecting non-perishable food items to benefit the St. Stephen's Food Pantry. The collection goes through next Friday, November 18. Click here for more information...our class is already off to a great start so thank you!

The girls worked hard this week and we are moving right along with our curriculum as we approach the end of the first trimester of school. Time is surely flying by!

In math, the girls are continuing to practice multiplying by two digit numbers and finding factors of numbers. Next week, we will review and practice long division. 

The girls did lots of creative writing this week with 3WT on the regular day this week and they wrote a haiku about the season of autumn. They are on display in the hall and look lovely.

In pairs, the girls read an online article about the jobs and qualifications to be president of the United States. Next week, we will start researching a specific president and then will learn how to write a research report.



Friday, November 4, 2022

Weekly Update

This week included Halloween, swimming, and St. Catherine's Day! Phew...we have had a busy but fun week. Monday started out great with our Halloween parade, Big Sister/Little Sister event, and then our grade level party. We squeezed in some new skills as well so here are some curriculum updates.

Math: We discussed what factors are and learned how to factor numbers. This is a skill that they will need as the progress in math in areas such as fractions. We also learned how to multiply a two digit number by a two digit number. We will continue to work on this next week because many girls seemed confused.

Writing: This week we tried a 5 Word Friday instead of 3 Word Thursday due to our busy schedule. The girls watched a live webcam of animal from various locations around the world and had to include something about what they watched. This was lots of fun!

Social Studies: To conclude our discussion on the three branches of our government, the girls are creating an illustrated flip book. We will finish the books next week and then move on to a research project on a president.


Last Day of School!

Today's Final Assembly was lovely and I am so proud of each and every girl from our class. They grew so much this year physically, emoti...